Following yesterday’s Activision financial conference call, Neversoft has confirmed that the Metallica song “One” will appear in Guitar Hero III. The track will not be a cover, but will indeed be a master track of the song, Metallica’s first single to have a music video, which started an epic descent (ascent?) into mainstream culture that ultimately led to Grammy awards and Lars Ulrich trying to sue you for looking at him funny.
While this might not seem like news to some, Metallica’s “One” is an epic track (true, regardless of how you feel about the band), and one that will lend itself rather well to the series. If anything, the recent slew of Guitar Hero III song announcements prove that Neversoft are definitely on the right track in terms of securing high-profile, highly demanded music for the series.
There’s going to be a bloody battle this holiday season between Rock Band and Guitar Hero III. After the recent mind-blowing Rock Band DLC content announcements, Activision came back with a slew of solid song announcements. Hey Electronic Arts/MTV/Harmonix — the ball’s in your court now; it’ll be exciting to see what else these guys have up their sleeves.
Competition like this is truly good for gamers, indeed.