During today’s Pokemon Presents presentation, we saw Mewtwo announced as an upcoming Tera Raid encounter in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. However, another legendary Pokemon has made its appearance, and this one’s much easier to get. Specifically, virtually anyone who owns either Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet can claim Mew as a mystery gift right now.
Until Monday, September 18, trainers can use the code GETY0URMEW in the Mystery Gift menu to instantly grab Mew. That’s a zero and not an O in “Y0UR,” since you can’t input O, I, or Z in codes. For those who need a refresher, you can get to Mystery Gifts by selecting the Poke Portal option in the in-game main menu. Select “Mystery Gift” at the bottom of the menu that pops up, and then select “Get with Code/Password.” If you input the code right, you should grab Mew right away.

That said, not all Mews are created equal. Mew’s moves and Tera Type will differ between each player, so you may see some funky results. For example, my Mew has a Ground Tera Type and knows Earth Power, Swift, Light Screen, and Life Dew. A little random for my endgame focused file, but Earth Power would wreck house in the early game. Anyone who can access the Mystery Gift option during this period can claim Mew, including new players.
It always feels a little surreal to me whenever I see Mew given away like this. I mean, I know these legendary Pokemon distributions happen all the time these days. But after the schoolyard hysteria over getting Mew back in the Red & Blue era, I always expect to just get this monster with a glitch or a GameShark. I don’t know how great Mew will fare against Mewtwo specifically, but my Life Dew Mew will help me on my quest to always use healers in Tera Raids.
Published: Aug 8, 2023 09:37 am