Microsoft plans universal game portal for 2012

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The age of connectivity is surely upon us, and Microsoft wants a slice of the action, The company is planning a “universal” gaming platform that could be a big OnLive rival. The Xbox Live-fueled service is scheduled for 2012.

The plan is to have all of Microsoft’s products, including Windows Phone 7 and Windows 8 OS, able to deliver Xbox 360 games, with the idea that you can start a game on your 360 and continue it on your phone or computer. Some of this was already known, but the scope and scale of MS’ plans are apparently larger than anticipated, with cloud storage leading to a potential game streaming service.

This is pretty big stuff, and could give Microsoft an edge as current consoles look set to become obsolete. Microsoft promises a diverse range of games to take advantage of its future plans, so we should have some rather interesting stuff to look at next year … provided Microsoft doesn’t stuff it up. 

Microsoft to Launch Universal Gaming Portal in 2012 [Electronic Theater]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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