Mirror’s Edge demos coming to PlayStation Network and Xbox Live on Halloween

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A “special” demo of Mirror’s Edge will make its way to both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live at the end of the week, just in time for Halloween. Actually, PS3 owners will get their demo early on the 30th, while Xbox 360 owners will get their treat on the 31st.

In this demo, you’ll get to check out the prologue of the game, which will then put you through a tutorial and a segment of the single-player story. 

There’s also a bonus for those that pre-order Mirror’s Edge: you’ll receive a special unlock code that will let you access an exclusive Time Trial mode of the game. The press release says that this mode challenges players to use their speed and best moves to find the fastest routes throughout the city. Gamers can upload their best
time to the Mirror’s Edge online leaderboards for their friends to download and compete against. Players can see their friend’s ‘ghost’ run as they race to the top of the leaderboards.

As you probably already know, Mirror’s Edge ships on November 11.

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Dale North
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