Most of us sensible people call them videogames. One particular group simply calls them “violence.” That particular group calls itself The Timothy Plan. Most sensible people call them morons.
The Timothy Plan is a mutual fund group that “only invests in companies who reach very quantifiable moral and ethical standards.” Group founder Art Ally is particularly interested in shying away from companies that “provide products that harm children.” Of course, those products are naturally videogames … sorry, violent videogames. We have to remember that these videogames are so VIOLENT!
Violent video games have become increasingly more popular as graphics and improvements in technology have improved over the years. Studies have shown that aggressive attitudes and even actions can be increased after playing violent games for as little as 20 minutes. Yet, video games have emerged as one of the most popular forms of entertainment for children, with over 70% living in a home with at least one video game player and 33% of children have one in their bedroom.
Even more amazingly, The Timothy Plan has written a detailed list of the worst videogames out there, rating them on violence, language and — get this — how GAY they are. Well, it wouldn’t be moralist Christian extremism without a little pathetic homophobia, would it? Yes, Art Ally and his loathsome cross-bearers call Army of Two out for having “homo-erotic undertones” and complains about the “hidden love affair between Marcus and Dom” in Gears of War 2. I sh*t you not!
Each videogame in the list is rated on various offensive criteria. “Gay/Lesbian” is one of the “immoral” issues that the games get a rating for. That’s f*cking disgusting.
These people really are uncivilized, vile creatures. How they can criticize the offensive content in videogames from one side of their mouths while spouting ignorant, despicable, homophobic drivel from the other side is truly hypocritical bullsh*t. They whine about some games containing “blasphemy” because it insults their God, yet have no problem insulting gay people. Such scumbags give real Christians a bad name.