Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in
When I started cutting my teeth into Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon’s Keep, it came with a satisfying somberness, thinking it to be the end to a largely enjoyable journey. It would seem though, that it’s not over quite yet.
Speaking on the Nerdist Podcast, Gearbox boss man Randy Pitchford has stated that the studio is in fact working on more downloadable content. “We are going to do more, we are going to do some other things. I don’t have details exactly of it yet cause were not ready to announce what the other things are…we got more stuff in the hopper that we’re planning and getting pretty excited about. So if you’re a Borderlands 2 fan you don’t have to be afraid that that’s the end of it.”
Do you hear that? That’s the sound of me face-palming, having just given away my copy of Borderlands 2. In any case, I’m honestly surprised to hear that more content is planned, the easy assumption being that the season pass content would be the end of it all.
Nerdist Podcast: Randy Pitchford [Nerdist]