More Gran Turismo HD video goodness

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Why am I giving so much front page love to Gran Turismo? Well, let’s face it, besides this and Resistance, the PlayStation 3 ain’t got much else to brag about right now. Plus, we can’t have Destructoid becoming a Nintendo fanboy site, can we? So, to mix it up a bit, here’s some more Gran Turismo HD footage that most of us can only view through outlets like this — since we don’t have the bank or means to get a PS3 right now.

Looks good? Yeah. Will Europeans eat it up like candy? You betcha. Now if only we could get them some PS3s so they can play the damn game. 

In the video above, you’ll see some Drift Challenge gameplay and in the one below you can see how them tight curves work. 

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Robert Summa
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