Mr. Destructoid to be removed from Eternity’s Child: Sour grapes taste sour

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To say our review of Eternity’s Child upset creator Luc Bernard is something of an understatement. Most readers will be aware of his drunken rampage through our comments section following Anthony and Conrad’s 1/10 review, but it seems that the resentment does not end there. In its own review of the game (wisely sidestepping the scoring system), Kotaku has revealed that Luc is now going back and removing Mr. Destructoid from the game.

This might come as a shock to Dtoid readers who may have paid Luc money on the promise of seeing Mr. Destructoid, but considering the game is now a “work in progress,” one can’t rely on the final product resembling anything like the version that was thrown onto Steam. 

On the one hand, it’s understandable … we did kind of call Eternity’s Child the worst game ever made and then everyone said “F*ck you Luc,” when he called our reviewers unprofessional. Even so, and speaking of someone who considers himself on good terms with Luc, even after the review, I think it’s something of a bitter attempt at a cheap shot.

Ah well … we’ll just have to make do with Mr. Destructoid being in Bomberman LIVE. Here’s hoping we don’t upset Hudson in the future, otherwise we can kiss that goodbye, along with any other future games Hudson might put us in.

Noooooooooot that I’ve heard anything lately about Hudson putting Mr. D in another game. Wink wink.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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