Murdered: Soul Suspect pricing, release info announced

I ain’t afraid of no ghost

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Airtight Games and Square Enix have honed in on a June 3, 2014 release for Murdered: Soul Suspect in North America, and June 6 in Europe.

The game is slightly cheaper on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and even PC (I know!) with a $49.99 price point, down from the full $59.99 charge for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions.

If you’re curious about Murdered, be sure to read Steven’s recent preview. I’ve similarly been expecting grand things, perhaps unfairly, and am now trying to keep my expectations in check. From the sound of it, this one could go either way. I’ll be waiting on the reviews.

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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