After nearly ten years of captivating readers with its unique take on superheroes, Kohei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia is officially coming to an end. The beloved manga, which has been a staple in Shonen Jump since its debut in 2014, will conclude its story in just five chapters.
This announcement comes directly from the manga’s official X account. The final chapter is scheduled to be released in Weekly Shonen Jump’s combined 36th and 37th issues, which will come out on August 5.
The announcement also comes with a heartfelt letter from Horikoshi to his fans. As translated by Animehunch, his message is as follows.
Sorry for the two-week break! My schedule got all piled up like a mille-feuille! There are just 5 chapters left until the end. Some might think, “There’s still 5 chapters left?!” while others might think, “Only 5 chapters left?!” but I’ll do my best to make sure both sides enjoy the last 5 chapters! Together with Deku and the others!
It was a bumpy road, but I was able to draw Deku and his friends for nearly 10 years thanks to everyone who kept reading. It was like a dream. Thank you so much! Well then! Let’s meet again in Jump!
My Hero Academia is currently on a two-week hiatus, with the next chapter set to return on July 1. Despite the hiatus, however, readers aren’t left with a heavy cliffhanger. The manga concluded its final arc a few weeks back and already started its epilogue. The remaining five chapters will likely continue showcasing the ugly aftermath of war and how the heroes adapt to it.
Those who want to catch up on the series can read it through VIZ or Manga Plus.