Naughty Dog: Nathan Drake > Lara Croft

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If you’ve played Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune then you may agree with me that main star Nathan Drake is certainly a likable fellow. He’s got charisma, he’s sometimes funny, and you wouldn’t kick him out of bed. Is he as popular as Lara Croft? According to Naughty Dog, he’s already surpassed the Tomb Raider star. Now them’s fightin’ words!

“Why, do you think he’s not already there, if not beyond that point already, in terms of popularity?” quizzes game director Bruce Straley when asked if Drake would ever be as well known as Croft. “I feel that Nathan Drake can stand on his own in any line up of the video game pantheon.

“We’ve created something new with him by infusing him with traits more associated with a good movie protagonist than just a video game icon. It’s not just us drinking the kool-aid either – according to not an insignificant number of reviews, press, and forums, people have really taken to Nathan Drake’s character.

“I think people like him because he’s compelling, and a much needed breath of fresh air in an industry that’s been a bit stale for a while, in terms of character.”

The Tomb Raider series has definitely gone off the rails a bit, but after just one game, can Naughty Dog reasonably claim that Nathan Drake has already reached the iconic status of Lara Croft? He’s a good character for sure, but I think he’s got a really long way to go before he can match one of the most recognized videogame characters in history.

Oh, and he’ll need bigger tits.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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