I have been looking for an excuse to talk about Dawn of War II ever since the beta went public (download here), and now I have the perfect opportunity to do so. The latest installment of these faction introduction videos focuses on the Orks, which have always been a personal favorite of mine.
So, the multiplayer beta … it’s somewhat different than what I was expecting it to be, but that’s far from a bad thing. I’m really digging the RPG lite aspects and focused gameplay. The game is impressive visually, for sure, but above all it’s just a blast to play.
What about the bad? Games for Windows LIVE was a royal pain to set up, but beyond that, I can’t think of any serious complaints besides maybe some units that need to be balanced; it’s hard to come up with much else without nitpicking.
Playing Dawn of War II on medium settings is fine for the time being, but I can already tell this is going to be one of those games that will make people upgrade their computers, myself included.
What’s your experience with the beta been like?