Neo Geo X maker calls SNK Playmore a bully

The plot thickens

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Tommo is continuing its fight with SNK Playmore over the right to sell the Neo Geo X Gold. The company alleges SNK has asked a number of Tommo’s retail and distribution partners to stop selling the retro console and supporting products.

“They are trying to bully US retailers with scare tactics,” claims Tommo CEO Jonathan Wan. “Their threats and accusations have harmed the Neo Geo X product marketing efforts, sales channels, and have cost Tommo significant financial losses.”

Tommo denies any breach of contract occurred, maintaining the company upheld its end of the bargain, and should still be authorized to sell the Neo Geo X. Expect Tommo to take legal action in the near future. In the meantime, the company hopes to keep its wares on shelves.

About The Author
Kyle MacGregor Burleson
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