New attack on Sony, loses 12,700 credit card numbers

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We told you that Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) servers were down this morning while Sony addressed an intrusion. The news gets worse. It seems that the company has lost 12,700 credit card numbers as the result of an attack, and this is the reason why the servers were taken offline. Japan’s Nikkei reports that Sony learned of the attack last evening.

We know that 4,300 of the card numbers were Japanese in origin. The rest? We have to wait and see. Engadget says that most of the lost numbers are from expired cards, which may mean that this ‘loss’ was only old data from 2007. Joystiq contacted SOE and says that we should expect an official comment within the hour.

It’s unclear if attack is related to the recent attack on the PlayStation Network. We have contacted Sony for a statement and will be following this story as it evolves.

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Dale North
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