Nudey magazine day! Nudey magazine day! Hey guys, got another episode of The Destructoid Show for you. Freshly squeezed from the tubes. The YOU-tubes.
First, Tara learns a valuable lesson about being lazy, and the rising costs of XBLA games. I finally have an excuse to talk about Mandalorian Armor, because there’s some news about Star Wars: The Old Republic. Mass Effect 3 wants you to pick Commander Shepard’s new haircut. Tekken Hybrid is a thing that’s happening, and there’s chicks riding a panda, so I’m pumped. Skyward Sword, the new Zelda, has shield upgrades. Because shields are so exciting.
We do some San Diego Comic-Con debriefing, the important stuff being sexy, sexy Talia in Arkham City and Hello Kitty crap based on Capcom properties.
Most MOST importantly, a very special thanks to Ohtar for sending us a copy of the recent Polish issue of Playboy where Triss Merigold from The Witcher gets nude. It made my day about a million percent better