New Duke Nukem Forever wallpaper available, everyone get excited

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Today 3D Realms revealed yet another stellar image of their eternally upcoming game, Duke Nukem Forever. Instead of a small picture attached to a job ad, the image is full-size and ready to become a part of fans’ desktops. The wallpaper features several enemy character models that we presume will change when a new graphics engine is purchased in 2020.

The reason for the image is actually quite clear. It not only proves that someone has been busy at the office for ten minutes, but it also makes a nice holiday present for fans that feel a bit neglected. In addition to this wallpaper, 3D Realms also debuted a picture of half-naked women posing in front of Christmas presents. Apparently, it has something to do with Twitter, but I lost interest and quit reading the post.

So, there you have it. Duke Nukem Forever enemies in wallpaper form. This is very exciting stuff and the future of the title looks promising.

[via NeoGAF]

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Brad BradNicholson
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