New E3 Gears of War footage is … gone (update)

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Now that this has been posted in the Dtoid clogs approximately five million thousand billion times, here is the Gears of War E3 trailer that Gamevideos let slip a little bit early. Hey, everyone confuses their July 6ths with their July 11ths — it happens all the time.

As the cloggers have pointed out, this is supposedly PC footage but the “A” button is readily apparent during the gameplay. Also, much of this is gameplay and content not found in the 360 version (yet), which means fans of Gears of War have plenty to look forward to this year.
Special thanks to Electro Lemon for being an all around swell guy, and for using all my acne cream to color in his Thor pictures. Now Elisabeth Shue will never like me! Thanks alot!

[Update: In case you internet Matlocks were wondering, this video has been pulled from every possible site ever made in the history of the universe. If you missed it while it was up, maybe you should spend a little less time at Pornotube.]

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