New Force Unleashed video spoils us silly. Can you resist the urge to peek? Posted 12 June 2008 by SRVSLPS Recommended VideosIf you are like the majority of gamers who shun anything resembling a spoiler, then you are going to want to skip this video — however overpowering the impulse to watch it may be. Those of you willing to throw caution to the wind will find some pretty interesting plot points to the game, including some background information on Vader’s apprentice that is pretty much guaranteed to take you by surprise. Is it any wonder that I chose this as the most anticipated game for 2008? I think not. Good… I can feel your anticipation. Hit the play button, and your transformation will be complete. Just keep in mind that once you are among the spoiled, you can never go back. Muh ha-ha-hah! About The Author SRVSLPS More Stories by SRVSLPS Filed under... #LucasArts