New Gotham City Impostors vid: Holy bear traps, Batman!

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Warner Bros. has released a new gameplay trailer for Gotham City Impostors and… holy s**t, is that an electric bear trap!?!?!

I’ve played the game before, a few months back when it was first revealed, and it was obvious that developer Monolith wasn’t afraid to get a little crazy. But there’s something about this trailer that really is selling me on the idea of this fun, completely nuts multiplayer first-person shooter. Electric bear traps and trampolines… your move Infinity Ward!

Also, The Manicorn 2: The Dream Warrior needs to be a real movie I can watch on Netflix Instant Watch.

Gotham City Impostors is out next year; there’s a beta starting up in September, which you can sign up for now.

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Nick Chester
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