New hero in a half shell revealed for Pokemon Sun and Moon

Turtonator backs that ass up!

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Another day, another badass Pokémon is revealed for Sun and Moon. This time, it is a brand new fiery dragon turtle named Turtonator, which is kind of like Terminator and turtle combined. I like it.

Meanwhile, everyone just forgot about the other fire turtle Pokémon, Torkoal. I guess that one is a tortoise if you want to be specific, so it is kind of different and only fire type, not dragon too.

While I have your Poké-attention, I’d just like to point out that almost all Pokémon are born from eggs aside from legendaries. This means that mammals, lizards, birds, and so on lay eggs in the Pokémon universe. Therefore, by laws of science, humans are also hatched from eggs. Ash Ketchum cracked out of an egg, and his dad is probably at a human day care someplace where he is both trained and used to breed. That is messed up.

About The Author
Jed Whitaker
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