New Max Payne 3 video puts the submachine guns on display

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Like guns? Good, because Max Payne 3 has a ton of them. But you already knew that. Now, what sort of guns you ask? Well, good thing you asked because Rockstar has you covered. Today, they released a new trailer that shows off all the submachine guns you’ll be using in Max’s latest outing.

The Micro 9mm, SAF .40, MPK, M972, and M10 each seem like tempting choices in their own right. I think I would personally have to go with the MPK because the trailer describes it as “damn reliable,” and any claim like that has to be true, right? Not only that, but the MPK is the only SMG Rockstar featured as an interactive 3D render over on their site. What do you guys think?

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Brett Zeidler
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