New Ninja Gaiden 2 gameplay footage: blood, ninjas, blood, more blood Posted 19 December 2007 by Topher Cantler Recommended VideosWhen I woke up this morning, I was surprised to find a tiny basket sitting on the doorstep of Dtoid headquarters. Upon further inspection, I found this new Ninja Gaiden 2 gameplay footage trailer bundled within, along with a note that read: “Free to good home.” I’m not sure if the rest of the staff simply hadn’t made their way outside yet, (I am usually the one to check the mail) or if it just hadn’t been there long, but luckily for this little guy, I run a home for orphaned ninjas in my spare time. Thus, I bring you new footage of a boss battle and some general ass-kickery from Ninja Gaiden 2. Open your hearts and give it a look, won’t you? About The Author Topher Cantler More Stories by Topher Cantler Filed under... #Ninja Gaiden#Violence