A few months back, we informed you guys of a new Wii game called Pandora’s Tower. Other than the title and platform, there has been no other info… until now.
The game looks to be another solid action RPG, which the little white box could always use more of. We also know it is being developed by Ganbarion, the makers of Jump Super Stars on the DS, and will arrive on May 26.
Soooo… wassup, Japan? You guys aren’t even friggin’ buying Wiis anymore, yet in the past year you’ve been blessed with Xenoblade, The Last Story, the upcoming Earth Seeker, and now this. What does the rest of the world get? Uhhh… Europe alone is finally getting Xenoblade, and there’s the vague hope that The Last Story will drift on over. Enough is enough! Stop being a damn Scrooge!
Published: Apr 6, 2011 01:00 am