NFL player gets paralyzed … somehow videogames are at fault

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This is simply amazing. Videogames have been demonized for many violent crimes by utter stupidiots in the past, but this has to be the first time that a sports injury has been used to attack the entertainment software industry. Kevin Everett of the Buffalo Bills took a hit this past Sunday that ended up crippling him, an obvious tragedy for Everett, his family and the sport to which he belonged.

As sad as it is, however, there’s always somebody willing to exploit misfortune for their own personal agenda, and this is where Bob Molinaro comes in. Know who he is? Me neither, but apparently the fool writes for the Virginia Pilot, and what he writes appears to be the half-mad doodlings of a retarded sparrow. You see, Molinaro has somehow linked Everett’s paralysis to violent videogames in what must be the most impressive display of game-attacking ignorance yet.

“I wonder if any of this hits home with the very large and growing demographic that comes to football through the make-believe violence of video games,” Molinaro drools in his rather tasteless piece. “In that world, jacked-up players always bounce back, returning as good as new when the game is switched on.”

His completely illogical and senseless rant claims that football fans don’t respect players and their injuries because videogames disregard the dangers of the sport. It’s such a convoluted excuse to attack the games industry that I can only assume he’s been waiting to use anything to pursue some sort of vendetta. Hit the jump for the imbecile’s fullest ridiculousness.

[Thanks Justin, especially for selecting this one with me in mind]

I imagine there’s a large segment of NFL fans that envisions pro football to be the embodiment of the video games they love to play.

…I’ve got a feeling that a certain percentage of males, those whose senses have been bombarded by video violence all their lives, are attracted to pro football by the slickly edited TV images that are a variation of their virtual-reality experiences.

This makes me wonder if the catastrophic injury to Buffalo Bills tight end Kevin Everett will make any real impression on the desensitized adolescents and adults raised with the cartoon violence of “Madden ‘08″ or “NFL Blitz,” or the absurd blood-and-guts scenarios associated with other Xbox games.

…I wonder if any of this hits home with the very large and growing demographic that comes to football through the make-believe violence of video games. In that world, jacked-up players always bounce back, returning as good as new when the game is switched on.

What a prat.  

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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