Soon into your exploration of the Nightingale Abeyance Realm, you’ll get a quest instructing you to increase your Gear Score to at least 20. Once you’ve done this, you can enter your first Site of Power and face the first major boss of the game — the Fabled Automaton Knight.
Once you’ve managed to defeat the Fabled Automaton Knight, you’ll be able to get your hands on the Antiquarian Major Realm Card, which will allow you to fully dive into the business of Realm hopping, but getting through this fight has its difficulties.
How to defeat the Fabled Automaton Knight

Before you charge into battle with this boss, make sure you’ve got something on you to heal yourself; if you’ve found some Slight Healing Potions in chests around the Realm, assign these to your medicine slot to ensure it can be used quickly. If you’ve not, craft some Healing Salve at your Campfire and put them in the same slot.
If you’ve recruited a survivor, make sure to take them into battle with you. Not only do they help by dealing damage, but if you go down during the fight, they can also Revive you. Make sure you’re rested and well fed before heading in, too. Avoid going in before fully increasing your energy bar so you don’t run out of Stamina mid-fight.
Head into the Site of Power and keep heading downwards, avoiding any large drops so you don’t take too much fall damage on the way down. There will be some small mobs of enemies here to fight your way through, but they’re not too troublesome.

When you see this, you’re in the right place. Head around the room until you find a plinth which you can interact with. Doing so will turn the glowing lasers red, spawn the Fabled Automaton Knight and begin the battle – now the fun begins.
The Automaton Knight is, honestly, pretty slow. However, while speed may not be an issue during the fight, the Boss’s hard hitting dash attacks can easily take you down, so once it locks onto you make sure to run. Utilise the pillars around the room to avoid these attacks and then wait for the Knight to stop moving.
Once it does, your best bet is to charge in and deal as much Melee damage as you can. Some good weapons for this are the dual-handed Maul and the Hammer, though I’ve found that the Knife works just as well and allows you to attack more quickly.
After that, you just need to repeat these steps as many times as is necessary until the Fabled Automaton Knight is defeated. Once he is, head to the plinth in the middle of the room to be rewarded with Essence Dust before speaking to Puck in order to gain the Antiquarian Major Realm Card.
Published: Feb 22, 2024 10:22 am