Ninja Theory: PS3’s 3D capability will be limited

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Sony might be loading its hype cannons with all sorts of 3D promises, but at least one developer is skeptical of the PS3’s ability to provide decent three-dimensional visuals. That developer is Ninja Theory, explaining that the PS3 lacks the processing power required to impress our eyes. 

“The problem is that to do 3D properly you need to render 60 frames per second, per eye. And at least a 720p resolution [per eye],” states co-founder Tameem Antoniades. “So in essence that’s 1080p rendering at 120 frames per second, and the current generation can only process very rudimentary graphics at that spec.

 “I think the technology’s limited now, so you won’t be able to play stuff that looks like Avatar — the movie — in 3D. Every generation has to be at least five-to-ten times more powerful than the last, so I think we’ll get there in the next generation. I think that will be totally revolutionary for games.”

So, if you’re expecting to feel as if you’re really nestling between Solid Snake’s arsecheeks or that Nathan Drake could literally slap you in the face with his scrotal scrapings, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. At least, that’s according to this guy. 

PS3 3D will be ‘limited’, say Heavenly Sword dev [CVG]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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