Oooh, sick burn! Naw, I’m just playing. Kind of. Kid Icarus: Uprising was all over the place, but some of the downer segments made washing over the good stuff, and the whole mess had me longing for the good ol’ days. Today we can go back to those days with the 3D Classics release of Kid Icarus. $5.99 gets you Pit’s original adventure, with the option of flipping the 3D slider up for some good times pop out visuals. And I’m totally not doing that.
As for the rest of the offerings from Nintendo this week, you could get your puzzle-platformer on in a 3DS title called Pyramids ($3.99), or get a good run in with I Must Run! ($1.99), both of which are up on the Nintendo eShop right now. And that’s it.
Are you getting 3D Classics: Kid Icarus this week? It would be the pits if you missed it.
Published: Apr 19, 2012 10:00 am