Also, Witcher 3
It’s port week for the Switch! Overwatch and The Witcher 3 are the big ones, but Killer Queen is also getting ported from the popular arcade format to Switch.
Also on the eShop this week: Little Town Hero (October 16), A Knight’s Quest, Baldur’s Gate I/II, Bibi & Tina, Billy Bomber, Contraptions, Crazy Mini Golf Arcade, Doraemon Story of Seasons, Duped, Eliza, Eternal Card Game, Family Tree, Fatal Fracture, Little Briar Rose, Mable & The Wood, Midnight Evil, Mistover, Monochrome Order, Old School RPG Bundle, Planescape: Torment: Enhanced, Icewind Dale: Enhanced, Pocket Stables, Queen’s Quest 4, River City Melee Mach, Secret Files Sam Peters, Silk, Spirit Hunter NG, Super Box Land Demake, The Bradwell Conspiracy, The Eyes of Ara, Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors, Valfaris and Zombieland: Double Tap. Story of Seasons hasn’t been on fire for a while, but I’m totally interested in the Doraemon collab.
We’re also getting 3DS games (it’s aliiiiiiiive!): Fatal Fracture and Maze Breaker.
If you missed last week’s edition, here it is. For those who are interested, sales are going on for all platforms.