Also, Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection
This is it, don’t get scared now. 2019 is coming to an end. Oh no! At least we have a ton of amazing things lined up for 2020, as well as two new console launches (PS4/Scarlett). It’s going to be a crazy year. For now, we have to wrap up this one.
Big releases this coming week on the Switch eShop include the long-awaited Shovel Knight: King of Cards (including the Showdown fighting game expansion!) on December 10, as well as Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection (ACIV and Rogue) and Star Ocean First Departure R. Alien Isolation is another high profile port and a decent Christmas gift for any Alien fan (though it’s sadly not available in physical form).
Here’s everything else in what is easily the last big gaming release push of 2019.
- Alien: Isolation
- Arcade Archives Hyper Sports
- Arcade Archives TwinBee
- Big Pharma
- Blacksad: Under the Skin
- Breathing Fear
- Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
- Defenders of Ekron: Definitive Edition
- Get Me Outta Here
- Happy Animals Bowling
- Immortal Planet
- March to a Million
- Must Dash Amigos
- NekoMiko
- Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
- Riverbond
- Smash Rush
- Space Blaze
- Space Pioneer
- Tick Tock: A Tale for Two
- Voxel Galaxy
- Wizards of Brandel
If you missed last week’s edition, here it is. For those who are interested, sales are going on for all platforms.