Nintendo pokes fun at fans, jokes about Mother 3

The platform holder strikes back

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Nintendo draws a lot of criticism for things it both does and doesn’t do. Usually the venerable platform holder quietly takes it all on the chin, rather than responding to irate fans and hecklers.

Not today, though. The Nintendo E3 Digital Event began with a stop motion animation featuring Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, characters from the company’s memorable franchises, and an indignant E3 attendee that seemed all too happy to jeer when things didn’t go his way.

The spot poked fun at various complaints fans have levied against Nintendo over the years, including: its recent abandonment of traditional E3 press conferences, the litany of Mario games it puts out, and the intense hatred for Wind Waker‘s Toon Link.

It was funny. Well, until the acrimonious fan shouted “Come on Reggie, give us Mother 3,” and a figurine version of Fils-Aime set him on fire. You know, Nintendo, it’s perfectly fine that you didn’t localize EarthBound‘s sequel. If you didn’t think it would be profitable, that’s totally cool.

Teasing us about it, though? Ouch. Those wounds haven’t fully healed. It’s still stings, guys. Hopefully this is a prelude to an announcement for a Wii U or Nintendo 3DS release. A boy can hope.

[Update: Kotaku tried asking Reggie Fils Aime about Mother 3 and were shut down before they could even get the words out. “Don’t go there,” the executive exclaimed repeatedly.]

About The Author
Kyle MacGregor Burleson
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