Not a joke: Devil May Cry 4 going digital this month

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For some reason, Devil May Cry 4 on PC is only now about to be offered through digital distribution outlets. As they say over on Capcom Unity, it’s “better late than never.” December 22 is the day this will go down, in case you missed out on the latest installment of this series.

Do people still dislike Devil May Cry 4? It seemed like, at least for a time, everyone came together to hate on the game. Personally, I never understood why. Dante not being the primary focus — I’ll give you that one. Otherwise, it seemed like a relatively good action game.

The campy cutscenes? So not a bad thing. That said, the timing for the last boss can go f**k itself.

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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