Official Guitar Hero II Xbox 360 box art reveals … a little

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The kids over at Team Xbox managed to land some official images of the box and guitar bundle for the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero II.

What’s notable about the image (besides it making me have to change my pants) is the confirmation of not only downloadable content (which was a no-brainer), but the promise of additional songs. Red Octane hasn’t revealed any details about the songs, but it’s entirely possible that both the downloadable content and additional tracks will be songs taken from the original Guitar Hero. Any new content would be quite a bonus.

One can also speculate over the absence of the words “playable over Xbox Live.” Because while leaderboards seem likely, the addition of co-op or face off modes over Xbox Live would truly make this a must have for fans of the series, whether or they owned the game on the PlayStation 2 or not.

While no release date has been set, you’ll know the game has hit the shelves when you stop seeing posts with my name attached to them. Because you’re going to have to tear that White Explorer from my cold, dead hands.

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Nick Chester
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