Okami art book is highly lustworthy

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Okami is one of the solid contenders in the games as art argument, and this gorgeous art book only further fuels that fire. I can only imagine Chad running around the office dancing at the sight of this treasure, so I’m sure it’s just fine for the rest of you to follow suit in your respective places of business. After all, it isn’t often enough that games of such quality as Okami hit the market, so I’m pretty much completely willing to fork over my hard earned cash for such goodies.

Amazon.com is stocking Okami Official Complete Works at a highly reasonable price point of $26; however the ship time is listed as 1-3 months. Ugh. Might be worthy to scour EBay or your favorite comic shops first. What’s wrong with you, Amazon? Don’t you know nerds require instant gratification?

[Thanks to Golden Donut and Neogaf for scans]

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Colette Bennett
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