Are you deeply down for Deep Down?
Did you notice the “Capcom Online Games” logo at the advent of this Deep Down trailer? It might seem familiar, also showing up in conjunction with the recently announced Breath of Fire 6. Like the latter, it seems that Deep Down, recently trotted out and shown off at the Capcom Network Games Conference in Japan, is also an online RPG.
According to Dual Shockers, “‘Online Only’ is mentioned” and an internet connection is required. I wonder what that means. Capcom also announced the title would be playable at Tokyo Game Show, so I guess we’ll learn more soon. Until then, enjoy this new, mildly creepy teaser trailer and this teaser website, which is pretty and has nice music.
It’s also worth noting that the PlayStation 4 is still the only platform associated with Deep Down, which debuted at Sony’s PS4 announcement conference, though no official exclusivity has been declared. Start your speculating. How is the online focus going to pan out? Is Deep Down a PS4 exclusive? Is Deep Down going to be the ultimate title, given the “working title” note in the video thumbanil? I’m partial to Eep Dow, personally.
Capcom’s Deep Down Is an Online RPG, Only PS4 Mentioned as Platform; Gets Teaser Trailer [Dual Shockers]
Published: Aug 1, 2013 10:00 am