Oops: ‘Tales of Vesperia Wii’ is actually Tales of Graces

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You know you need a new brand name when your own staff can’t remember which franchise game is coming out for which platform. That’s what happened in the case of Rikiya Koyama, a Vesperia voice actor.

Koyama commented on his blog that “Tales of Vesperia was released on the Xbox 360, and now the PS3, and soon a Vesperia for the Wii.” Needless to say, the hint brought tears of joy to Wii-owning fans alongside cries of (further) betrayal from Xbox 360 owners.

A few days later Koyama retracted the statement and apologized, saying that he confused Tales of Vesperia with Tales of Graces, the actual Wii release, due next month in Japan. I feel a little sorry for him, because he’s not even going to be in Tales of Graces‘ voice cast. 

Wii-owners who want a taste of Vesperia‘s excellent character designs (by Kosuke Fujishima, a.k.a. the Sakura Wars guy) aren’t left entirely in the cold, as the first piece of DLC for Tales of Graces is a Vesperia costume pack, of which you can find a snazzy video below. 

Then again, that Vesperia costume pack costs money, officially making Graces the first JRPG on the platform to have paid DLC. Good going, Namco Bandai!

[Via Gameguru and Siliconera]



About The Author
Josh Tolentino
Contributor - When not posting about Japanese games or Star Trek, Josh served as Managing Editor for Japanator. Now he mostly writes for Destructoid's buddies at Siliconera, but pops back in on occasion.
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