Here’s a second chance to check out R.U.S.E. for those who missed out on the closed beta: next week, anyone with a Steam account can take part in the PC strategy game. According to a tweet by Ubisoft community developer Aymeric Evennou, March 9 is the official start date.
It seems Eugen Systems took much of the player feedback it received to heart; this video with senior producer Mathieu Girard states all of the various additions, tweaks, and fixes that have been made to the game. It’s nearly a five-minute video — enough said.
I’d be all over this myself, but alas, my beloved eMachines system is ancient, and my relatively newish laptop isn’t one of those bulky gaming machines (basically, it is an actual laptop). It’s okay, though — my PC has one of those Grand Theft Auto IV Burger Shot stickers on its side, so I don’t mind.
R.U.S.E. Open Beta Next Week [Blues’ News]