Over a dozen good XBLA games are on sale this month

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Marvel Vs Capcom, plus way more

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With next-gen consoles on the horizon, the sales of digital titles on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 continue to ramp up. This month sees 18 Xbox Live Arcade games on sale, and most of them are pretty damn great. From now until April 15, you’ll be able to score these games at a discounted price:

Kinect Central: Babel Rising is also on sale during this period for 320 MSP, and there will be a sale on some Halo 4 add-on content on April 12. Then these nine XBLA games go on sale starting April 16:

Additionally, one of the handful of only good Kinect games, Fruit Ninja Kinect, will be on sale for 320 MSP during this time period. Lot of good stuff here to grab. What are you going to pick up?

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Hamza Aziz
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