Why yes, you CAN play as a devastatingly powerful Pope!
Overture is the latest retro-inspired offering from Black Shell Games, the talented development team behind the ASCII RPG SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition. It’s a charming game, with an adorably chunky pixel art style and an infectious chiptune soundtrack from Brazilian producer Rafael Langoni Smith.
Proving that the studio isn’t content to just stick to one specific approach to game design, Black Shell’s second commercial release on Steam goes in a completely different direction, both visually and genre-wise. The team describe the title as an “action-adventure roguelike,” drawing inspiration from beloved games like Diablo and The Binding of Isaac.
While it does have some of the familiar flavors of the aforementioned titles, it does so without the need to mimic them. Overture is without a doubt its own game entirely. Its addictive, fast-paced and frenetic twin-stick shooter feel and almost sensory overload-inducing loot and treasure drops are an absolute joy to experience. Seriously, just look at the game’s trailer and you’ll understand where I’m coming from. It’s amazing!
Currently the title boasts twenty-four playable character classes, loot drops galore, randomly generated dungeons, and as mentioned before, a delightful chiptune soundtrack.
If you’re interested in giving Overture a go but on the fence about forking over the $4.99 asking price, Black Shell Games has you covered! It recently added a free demo on the title’s Steam page. So go on then, shower yourself in floating text damage indicators, free of charge!
Oh, speaking of free! We’ve got one Steam code for the game that we’ll be giving away this evening courtesy of Black Shell Games, so make sure you check your private messages tonight to see if you’re the winner.