Overwatch pro ends career with stream of racial slurs

Michael Richards moment

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Overwatch pro Matt “Dellor” Vaughn has been dropped by Toronto Esports after the release of the above video, wherein Vaughn, angry at an online opponent, proceeds to scream at the top of his lungs (mind your computer volume level) and then repeat the n-word for almost 30 seconds straight, adding some additional adjectives towards the end. 

Vaughn was streaming on Twitch at the time and one of his viewers captured video of the 28-year-old gamer’s Michael Richards moment. His Twitch channel has since been closed for violating the terms of service.

“Toronto Esports is an organization built on inclusivity, and we have always had a zero- tolerance policy for any forms of discrimination,” President Ryan Pallett said in a statement. “Immediately upon learning of the incident, the player was interviewed, admitted to the offence, and was notified that his contract with the organization was being terminated.”

Vaughn announced on Twitter that he is “done with esports and won’t be returning.”

He also wrote a longer message. “I fucked up and deserve to be dropped from Toronto Esports,” it starts. Good start! “I won’t try to argue or make an excuse, I don’t have any,” he continues, before starting on a list of excuses that includes: 1) having a bad day, 2) not getting enough sleep, 3) Twitch not working, 4) his internet lagging, 5) his opponent “blatantly cheating,” 6) both teams shit-talking him. Vaughn maintains, “despite me using that word, I am not a racist.” It just so happens that when he becomes uncontrollably upset he yells racial slurs for half a minute. No need to interrogate that impulse further!

Toronto Esports release Dellor for breach of contract [Toronto Esports]

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Steven Hansen
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