Pachter confirms Assassin’s Creed 2 era switch, speculation ensues

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Just as we dangled in front of you a few weeks ago, it appears as though the next Assassin’s Creed will be in a much different setting. Recently, games mega analyst Michael Pachter let it slip during an interview with GameTrailers that Altair will be traversing buildings “sometime in the 1700s.” He then proceeded to say that it could possibly revolve around the French Revolution.

If the game is placed in the French Revolution, there are quite a few exciting years it could explore. Will Altair be embroiled in another religious conflict or will Ubisoft put him smack dab in the middle of the Reign of Terror? My hope is for the Reign of Terror because I’m a big fan of the guillotine.

Either way, a new setting is definitely happening. Hopefully, Altair can learn a few new tricks during his time warp. I would hate to have to dive in a French haystack.

[via GiantBomb]

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Brad BradNicholson
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