Palworld: New Pal Croajiro showcased in the latest Paldeck video

Frog with a stick!

Player petting Croajiro in Palworld

If you’ve been keeping an eye on Palworld reveals, you’ll undoubtedly have seen some of the new Pals coming our way with the Sakurajima update on June 27. Well now the Paldeck videos, released every weekend over on Twitter and YouTube, are providing deeper glimpses at some of those Pals.

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On June 16, in what seems like a wonderful Father’s Day gift to Palworld-playing Dads everywhere, Pocketpair showed off one of the Pals which has become a secure fan favorite — Croajiro. 

Meet the newest water type Pal in Palworld, Croajiro

In the Paldeck video, the little frog-like creature, obviously a Water type Pal although it’s unknown whether it is a dual-type, can be seen facing off against another new Pal, Chillet Ignis. The Fire type Chillet Ignis was shown off yesterday, June 15, in the other of this weekend’s Paldeck videos. 

It’s nice to see that we’re finally being given sneak peaks rather than recaps of Pals we’ve already become very accustomed to, as all previous Paldeck videos have been for Pals which we already know and have likely captured. 

Croajiro’s attacks

Croajiro facing off against four Mossanda in Palworld Paldeck video
Image via Pocketpair

Among the scenes in Croajiro’s Paldeck video were attacks which are very familiar from other Water type Pals, as well as what we can expect when Croajiro is petted. The best part of the Paldeck happened at the end, though, with Croajiro casually wielding its stick against four Mossanda, killing them effortlessly. I doubt it will be that easy in-game, but it’s a fun image.

We were given a sneak peak of the next Paldeck video, too. Next week, on June 24, we’ll find out more about Katress Ignis. Though we already know it’s a Fire type, I’m interested to see what else we may gather from the Paldeck.

About The Author
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 7,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also your friendly resident Whovian. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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