Pandora’s Tower rumored for European release

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Pandora’s Tower is the most low profile of the three games that Operation Rainfall is pushing Nintendo to release in the United States. That’s why I’m so pleasantly surprised to hear preliminary reports from Japan Expo 2011 that the game will be released in Europe in 2012.

We already had the sense that Nintendo of Europe may pick up the game based on their decision to give it some space on the Expo’s show floor (along with the other two Operation Rainfall titles, Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story), but we’re still waiting from official word from Nintendo themselves. Until then, we can sit tight on the word that “the team at Livegen presented on the site some capital information: the release of the Ganbarion’s title is indeed set for 2012 in Europe” (translated from French).

I’m hoping that if all three of these games do well in Europe, that Nintendo of America will go back on its decision to pass on them. If not, I’ll definitely import them all. That’s easy for me to say, because I’m a filthy rich videogame blogger (and by that I mean, I’ll eat ramen noodles and white bread for a month if it means saving the necessary funds to import these games). But what about you guys out there that are already scraping by on noodles and bread crumbs? Are you hard up for these games to the point that you’ll import them, or are you more inclined to procure these titles by less scrupulous means?

Pandora’s Tower officiellement en Europe pour 2012 [Gamekyo, via GoNintendo]

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Jonathan Holmes
Destructoid Contributor - Jonathan Holmes has been a media star since the Road Rules days, and spends his time covering oddities and indies for Destructoid, with over a decade of industry experience "Where do dreams end and reality begin? Videogames, I suppose."- Gainax, FLCL Vol. 1 "The beach, the trees, even the clouds in the sky... everything is build from little tiny pieces of stuff. Just like in a Gameboy game... a nice tight little world... and all its inhabitants... made out of little building blocks... Why can't these little pixels be the building blocks for love..? For loss... for understanding"- James Kochalka, Reinventing Everything part 1 "I wonder if James Kolchalka has played Mother 3 yet?" Jonathan Holmes
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