PAX: My favorite cosplay of the show … so far

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There is a surprising amount of great cosplay at PAX. People walk around in some pretty elaborate and sometimes beautiful outfits.

While all impressive, most of it is the same thing you normally see: a Lara Croft here, a Master Chief there. As I rode up the main escalator onto the show floor, though, two people stood out from the rest with some hand-crafted cosplay that really made me smile.

You really have to see the entire picture in the gallery to appreciate it. Basically, it is a chocobo and moogle from the Final Fantasy universe, represented not with crazy complicated costumes, but with a clever, Bjork-inspired yellow dress and sleek white and pink suit (complete with hat bobble), respectively.

What do you think? Creative and refreshing? Or ultimately meh? I was a huge fan and had to give the couple some props on their unique designs. Now back to the show floor! There is more important journalism to cover … like that adorable little kid I saw earlier with a Maw shirt on!

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Chad Concelmo
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