If you were at PAX Prime this year, you don’t need me to tell you how successful the show was. Merely walking around the packed show floor — or anywhere nearby downtown Seattle — told you everything. You literally couldn’t walk the streets at any time of the day (or night) without spotting a lanyard.
Such a cool feeling, huh? I suppose if you want to make it all official-like, you’re going to want hard data. By Penny Arcade’s count, the convention brought in 67,600 people. Compare that to last year’s 60,750. We can probably expect to see even more off-site locales next year, if trends continue.
By the way, did anything ever come of that orgy? Was it a success? Inquiring minds need to know!
PAX Prime 2010 brings in 67,600 attendees [Big Download][Image]
Published: Sep 8, 2010 10:30 pm