Project Triforce makes some slick, expensive stuff
Project TriForce is at it again, making detailed replicas of some of our favorite game items. Joining the M-3 Predator are three more full-scale replica weapons from the Mass Effect series, including the M-77 Paladin, the Geth Pulse Rifle, and one of my personal favorites, the M-6 Carnifex.
The pistols each weigh about seven pounds and can be pre-ordered for $400 later this year. The Geth Pulse Rifle measures in at a whopping twenty pounds and will sell for $750, available in early 2014. These would be a pretty great gift for your favorite Mass Effect fan if you’ve got money to burn, but for most of us, they’re difficult to justify at those prices.
If you want to check out the Mass Effect replicas, or any of their other products, you can hit up Project TriForce’s website.