Phasmophobia is pushing back its big update

Phasmophobia: the player holding a spirit box while stood in a living room.

If you’ve been playing Phasmophobia for a while now, you’ll know that developer Kinetic Games has been planning a big update. Essentially, the team is looking to reset all progress for players, ready for what is being referred to as the “Progression” update, which was due to be coming in three stages from July onwards.

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However, the studio is putting a slight pause on this, with “Progression 1” now being pushed back two weeks so it can be given “a bit more love and care.” That’s according to the most recent piece of correspondence from Kinetic over on the Phasmophobia Discord channel, which was then reiterated on Twitter.

The team wants to make sure it remains transparent about the game and says that the update should be ready to roll out mid-August.

What about the console port?

The good news is that this delay should not impede the release of the console version of Phasmophobia. The message on Discord says that a late August release is still on track, so that’s good news for you Xbox Series X|S and PS5 users.

On top of that, the developer is urging people to “keep an eye out” for some “sneak peaks” into something else that’s on the way. So that’s something to look forward to while we wait that tiny bit longer for the update.

It’s been an interesting journey for Phasmophobia. A roadmap shows that Kinetic clearly has plenty of ideas in mind for its co-op ghost-hunting game. It’s nice to see the developer is always looking to improve on the formula, and it’s great that console players will finally get to see what PC horror fans have been raving about for nearly three years.

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Andrew Heaton
Andrew has been a gamer since the 17th century Restoration period. He now writes for a number of online publications, contributing news and other articles. He does not own a powdered wig.
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