Pin back your lugholes, here’s the Quantum Break soundtrack

Hope you likes glitchy-ass orchestras!

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Microsoft has released the Quantum Break soundtrack for free on Soundcloud, and it’s surprisingly great.

Big budget games have a habit of thinking big games should have big scores with lots of instruments, but then fail to give them the direction needed to have a decent soundtrack. Or worse, they opt for Battlefield-style noise clipping just to make things obnoxiously loud and ‘epic.’ 

Petri Alanko’s Quantum Break soundtrack does fall into that trap sometimes, but there’re still some great tracks too, such as “Dodging Bullets” and “A Whisper.” The glitchiness reminds me a lot of my favourite composer Olivier Derivière’s soundtrack for Remember Me, which was an okay game with fantastic music.

We’ll see how Quantum Break puts its score to use when it launches on April 5 for Xbox One and PC.

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Joe Parlock
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