Podtoid 19: How the hell do we follow up episode 18 edition

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Update: Podtoid 19 is now available for download

[ On this week’s episode, our internet connection completely failed at life. As a result the episode sounds like it was recorded under water, and we apologize for that. Making the most of it, the Podtoid cast just chugged through it and many a bottle was emptied on an unsuspecting liver with special guest Chris Furniss.  -Niero]


Chris Furniss

special guest ………………………… Weeklygeekshow.com
Colette “Nakigo” Bennett
in LA ……………… Articles | MySpace
in Portland ………………………………………… Articles | MySpace
Aaron Linde in Bellingham…………………… Articles & Sex tape
Robert Summa in Los Angeles …………………….Articles | MySpace

Le program epilogue 

00.00 … WTF, our connection sucks! Start drinking
01.46 … All the hot chicks called me Frodo
03.00 … Dtoid’s wrath on a bum Circuit City coupon
07.00 … Ghost Rider starring Robert Summa’s face
09.00 … Watching Resident Evil 4 is not playing it
12.00 … The great video game linearity debate
20.00 … Final Fantasy 1: killer replay value
25.00 … Colette and Aaron: URU hands on
29.00 … Emulation co-op vs. Live, Virtual Console
33.00 … Why is Ninty slacking on retro co-op online?
35.00 … Sony ganks UK PS3 backwards compatibility
41.00 … Reader questions, brutal honesty served
50.00 … No, it’s Sooooo-ma! Niero is in hiding, has 2 Yobs
54.00 … Exit stage right, kick Shadowrun on way out

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About The Author
Robert Summa
More Stories by Robert Summa