The Pokemon Center London is now taking visitor reservations

pokemon center london reservations open pre-order

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Merchandising mayhem will reign in just a few short days from now, as The Pokémon Company opens the doors of the wildly popular retail outlet The Pokemon Center London. In hopes of avoiding the utter chaos of 2019’s event, the outlet has now opened its timeslot reservation service for interested parties.

If you are looking to visit The Pokémon Center London next week, then head on over to the reservation website right now and book your attendance slot. You’ll need to know what day and time you will arrive, as well as how many people will be in your group. This somewhat strict system is a necessity, given that the previous pop-up store appearance drew daily queues of over five hours, with over 30,000 customers walking the floor in a mere five days.

The new Pokémon Center London is being established in conjunction with the Pokémon World Championships, which are being held at London’s ExCel Centre between August 17-21. The store will feature a bonanza of Pokémon toys, accessories, and associated junk, along with photo opportunities and special themed areas. For this year’s event, the center exclusives are cute plushies of Pikachu and Roserade in Beefeater outfits, (the official uniforms of the guards at the Tower of London). These toys will, unsurprisingly, sell in double-quick time, so move fast.

If you want to just turn up on the day, that’s fine too, as you will be assigned a slot in a virtual queuing system. But, given the popularity of the store, the merch on offer, and the fact that all of the hardcore Pokeheads will be in town for the tournament, it is best advised that you pre-book your reservation today.

The Pokémon World Championships kick off at London ExCel August 17.

About The Author
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Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse
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