Pokemon Company suing mag over photos of Pokemon Cards

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Why is it always the creators of the cute stuff that seem to be the most ruthless and aggressive? The Pokemon Company seems to be pulling a Disney, suing the creator of Pokemon Unofficial Collector! magazine for using photographs of Pokemon Cards. 

The company alleges that Beckett Media LLC publishes a monthly collector’s guide to Pokemon cards, listing the rarities and providing photos of selected ones without consent. Beckett has argued that consent was implied due to the fact that the Pokemon Company has used the magazine for advertising space before and didn’t complain before. Quite the double standard if that counter claim is true. Nevertheless, the company has maintained that Beckett even offered to stop publishing photos of cards, but has not followed through. 

So, if you have ever taken a photo of something Pokemon-related, be careful where you put it. A Mudkip with a briefcase and a thirst for blood might end up knocking on your door. 

Pikachu: “I Sue You” [Patent Arcade]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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